; MAIL MANAGER +PLUS+ v3.00 text configuration file, for compiling ; with the supplied TXT2CFG.EXE utility. ; ; All lines in this file MUST be flush left! ; All lines beginning with a semi-colon are ignored as comments. ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; MAIN CONFIGURATION SECTION: ; ; Each of these options MUST be configured, and in this order. If ; you do not intend to use one of them (such as the list of bulletins, ; list of archivers, etc...), DO NOT COMMENT IT OUT! Leave it a blank ; line, instead. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; Name of your BBS (35 chars max) RBBS-PC ; ; Name you use to log onto your BBS remotely (31 chars max) SECRET LOGONNAME ; ; Your first name as you are known to your users (15 chars max) SYSTEM ; ; Your last name as you are known to your users (15 chars max) OPERATOR ; ; Security level to read *ALL* messages in *ALL* conferences 10 ; ; Security to use when running Mail Manager in local mode 10 ; ; Sysop's graphics preference to use in local mode. 0=none, 1=ascii, 2=ansi 2 ; ; Default tagline to use for ALL conferences (61 characters max) Your friendly neighborhood RBBS-PC - (123) 555-1212 ; ; First 8 characters for packet filenames (this would create RBBS-PC.QWK). RBBS-PC ; ; Type of file compression used by *DEFAULT*. (ARC, ARJ, LZH, or ZIP) ZIP ; ; Path/Name of your *NON-GRAPHIC* BBS news file. Mail Manager will ; automatically find the graphic and/or ansi versions as appropriate. ; 40 characters max. C:\RBBS\MAIN.NWS ; ; Path/Name of your list of system bulletins. 40 characters max. C:\MAILMGR\MAILMGR.BUL ; ; Type of network to have Mail Manager use in local mode. (Remotely, ; this is picked up from DORINFOx.DEF). D=DOS, N=NetBIOS, Q=DESQview D ; ; Type of handshaking to use when operating remotely. ; F = FOSSIL, R = RTS/CTS, X = XON/XOFF, N = None. X ; ; Path/filename of the PROTO.DEF for Mail Manager to use. (Be sure to ; see the documentation on this one!!) 40 characters max. C:\MAILMGR\MAILMGR.PRO ; ; Path/filename of your FMS directory. Leave blank if you are not running ; a standard FMS directory. (See Mail Manager docs). 40 characters max. C:\RBBS\MASTER.DIR ; ; Path/filename of the list of archivers available to your users from ; within Mail Manager. If you intend ONLY to make the default type of ; archiver available, just leave this blank. 40 characters max. C:\MAILMGR\MAILMGR.ARL ; ; Environment variable to use for Mail Manager to determine the ; path/filename of RBBS-PC's 'XFER-x.DEF'. If you are running ; DSZ for file transfers, this would be set to 'DSZLOG'. If Mail ; Manager cannot find the file that this environment variable ; points to, it will report that all file transfers have failed. ; See the documentation for more info. DSZLOG ; ; Modify uploaded messages date/time stamp to the current system date? ; Y = Yes, modify all uploaded replies. N = No, leave them as-received. ; PLEASE NOTE that some mail networks do not like a set of messages to ; have the same date & time stamp! N ; ; City/State where your BBS is located. (Applies to information added ; to QWK packets only). Anytown, USA ; ; Phone number for your BBS. (Again, applies only to QWK packets). 123-456-7890 ; ; Character to use as the 'lead-in' for Smarttext. RBBS-PC defaults this ; to the ascii value 123, which looks like "{". Enter the NUMBER here, not ; the character. 123 ; ; Default path to your *M.DEF and *U.DEF RBBS-PC conferences. This applies ; only to the Mail Manager configuration editor, MAILCFG.EXE, and is therefore ; meaningless to this text configuration file. However... if you intend to ; use the configuration editor after compiling this file, you will definitely ; want to set this correctly! End the pathname with a backslash (\). C:\RBBS\ ; ; Path/Filename of the echo toss log that you would like to have Mail Manager ; create. This option is meaningful only for FIDO-style *.MSG areas, and is ; ignored if you are not running any of these types of conferences. To turn ; this option off, set to 'NONE' (no quotes). NONE ; ; The start and stop times that Mail Manager +Plus+ is to be unavailable to ; your users. To disable, set both of these to the same time. Enter these ; arguments in 24-hour format. (11:59pm would be 23:59). 00:00 00:00 ; ; Allow user to log off from within door. Y = yes, anything else = no. ; If yes, G)oodbye and E)xpedite options will log off, if no, they will just ; return user to the bbs. Not recommended for RBBS before 17.4 because ; earlier versions did not correctly update user files when user drops carrier ; in a door. N ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CONFERENCE CONFIGURATION SECTION: ; ; From this point on, all conferences are configured in the following ; manner (21 commas): ; ; 1,2,"3","4",5,6,7,8,"9",10,11,12,"13",14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,"22" ; ; 1 = Conference number (1 to 500). Mail Manager sorts these by number. ; 2 = Conference name (up to 7 characters) ; 3 = Path/Name of this conference's USERS file. ; 4 = Path/Name of this conference's MESSAGES file. ; 5 = Allow or dis-allow ANSI (Y or N). ; 6 = Allow or dis-allow high/low ASCII (Y or N). ; 7 = Security level needed to read this conference. ; 8 = Security level needed to post in this conference. ; 9 = Tagline for this conference (NONE = use default tag). ; 10 = Modify mail reader tearlines? (Y or N). ; 11 = Type of message base (Y=fixed length, N=elastic, F=FIDO *.MSG). ; 12 = Allow users to join conference from within Mail Manager? (Y, N). ; 13 = Path/Name to conference alias file (leave empty if none). ; 14 = Zone for this conference (applies to FIDO *.MSG's only) ; 15 = Net for this conference (applies to FIDO *.MSG's only) ; 16 = Node for this conference (applies to FIDO *.MSG's only) ; 17 = Is this a FIDO-style *.MSG NETMAIL area? (Y or N). ; 18 = Add tear/origin line (Y or N) (*.MSG areas only) ; 19 = True FIDO area name for this conf (*.MSG echo areas only) ; 20 = Allow private messages in this conference? (Y or N) ; 21 = Allowed message length in this conference (unspecified = 99 lines) ; 22 = Conference description (up to 25 characters) ; ; Your MAIN RBBS-PC MESSAGE BASE must be listed as conference #1! ; From there on, you can mix/match as you see fit. ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; 1,MAIN,"C:\RBBS\MAINU.DEF","C:\RBBS\MAINM.DEF",Y,Y,5,5,"NONE",N,N,N,"NONE",0,0,0,N,N,"",Y,99,"Main message base"